Accepted Abstracts Include
The influence of socio-cultural expectations on the construction of a female Afrikaner teacher’s identity, Mické van der Westhuizen, University of Pretoria (South Africa)
In search of “truth”. An autoethnographic and poetic inquiry of representations of masculinities.Kari Silvola, University of Jyväskylä
Mineral Wealth, Melanie Perry
Glow worm homes: when autoethnography moves beyond words with the more-than-human, Gael Bateman, CCRI, University of Edinburgh
Selected paper
This is a sneak preview of some of the amazing work submitted to the conference this year:
Post Qualitative Inquiry in Academia: Animating Potential for Intensities and Becoming in Writing, Mary Garland, University of Plymouth
How will I dance? Emma Astra AKA The Disabled PhD Student, University of Leicester
How Being, Doing, And Feeling Led To Remembering, Hazel Katherine Larkin, Dublin City University; IAMAS
How Maternal Ambivalence and a Mid-Life Epiphany Led to Writing an Auto-Inspired Ph.D., Esther Miriam van der Walt, University of Modena and Region Emilia, Italy
A journey through reproductive loss: is posttraumatic growth even a thing when losing babies? Caroline Lafarge, University of West London
Barriers to (be) longing: Reflecting on the author’s identity as a ‘Coloured’ woman, Danille Arendse, Centre for the Study of the Afterlife of Violence and the Reparative Quest, Stellenbosch University
Accepted Abstracts
The Tilt of My World–A Military Brat’s Journey, Theresa Young, Abydos Learning International; UIW
A Collaborative Autoethnographic Investigation Into Female Identity In Middle Age Sarah Large and Kay Rees
Political voice and 2nd person narration, Tina Hofman, University of Birmingham
The Transformative Power of Counselling, Dione Mifsud, International Association for Counselling (IAC), University of Malta
Prison, Poetry and Intersectionality, Marcia Morgan, HM Prison and Probation Service
Sexuality, Secrecy – and Sewing with Mum, Marc Newton, University of the West of England
Love, death and sharing: An auto/biographical approach to single adults’ identity during the Covid pandemic, Cheralyn May, University of Plymouth
The impact of psychological capital in single mothers in seeking higher education Jennifer Stuart, University of Incarnate Word, Texas, USA
Accepted Abstract
Sexuality, Secrecy – and Sewing with Mum, Marc Newton, University of the West of England
Love, death and sharing: An auto/biographical approach to single adults’ identity during the Covid pandemic, Cheralyn May, University of Plymouth
The impact of psychological capital in single mothers in seeking higher education Jennifer Stuart, University of Incarnate Word, Texas, USA
Through the prism of the missing, Pascale Wasching, University of West London
Me, Myself, I. Then what’s left of We is You, Guy Mortenson
The Process of Decolonising Self & the Impact on the Therapy Room, Adetoun Grant, University of the West of England
This is not Art, Richy Cook, University of Gloucestershire
Taking myself seriously: an exploration of illness beliefs, empathy and the capacity for change. Kate Ashley, University of the West of England
Whatever Happened to my Reflection? A Tale of Mirror Twin Separation. Elke Hautala, VMA Master’s Program at HMKW Berlin
‘Can’t you take a joke?’: reflecting on insults as the highest OR lowest form of wit, Tracey Collett University of Plymouth, and Gayle Letherby (Plymouth, Greenwich, Bath)
Writing a Story About International Student Parents, Sophia Deterala, University of the Philippines Open University
Poetry Please
Embracing the embodied experience of asexual identities, Landa Love, University of Plymouth
Poetry please
The adoption process Victoria Wright, Loughborough University
Poetry Please
Yellow Room Becomes a Dandelion, Gael Bateman, CCRI, University of Edinburgh
2022 Conference Theme
Right/write to roam