ICAE11 2024 Information

The 11th International Conference of Autoethnography will take place from Sunday 21st to Tuesday 23rd of July 2024 online (via zoom) and in person at The Engineer’s House, Clifton Village, Bristol, UK. Please scroll down the page for additional information, or navigate through the menu art at the to of the page.

This year our conference theme is Murmuration

The prompt behind our use of this metaphor comes from Elyse Pineau’s closing reflections at the 2023 Annual Conference. During a “round up” of presentations, Elyse drew on her participation in Jamie Barnes’ workshop where she was provoked to think about “bodies” “bodies becoming” “what is a body to do?” and how bodies shape the landscape.

Closing the conference, Elyse offered two generative metaphors to direct our attention to how we might think about conferences. The first of these was”Murmuration” which we have now taken as our conference theme. To listen again to Elyse’s insights please select the following YouTube


At sunset, huge groups of starlings take to the sky, swooping and swirling into spheres, planes and waves. The phenomenon is called a murmuration, and it's named after the noise that is made by the many flapping wings of a group of starlings in flight. https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/where_to_see_starling_murmurations

For information about the conference, information on how to register, to submit an abstract or panel, to read about who will be giving workshops, please scroll down the page or use the menu bar at the top of this page.


Autoethnography in the “Thin Places”

Chris Poulos

Christopher N. Poulos is Professor and Chair of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina—Greensboro.  An autoethnographer and philosopher of communication, his scholarship focuses on ethnographic and narrative inquiry/methodology; communication in close personal relationships; stories, lies, and secrets; the impacts of trauma, violence, and loss on memory and communication; and communication ethics. He teaches courses on autoethnography, friendship and family communication, ethics, dialogue, and film. He is the author two books: Essentials of Autoethnography (2021) and Accidental Ethnography: An Inquiry into Family Secrecy (2099) and numerous journal articles and book chapters. 

Abstract Autoethnography in the “Thin Places”

In Celtic lore, the world has “thin places” (Gome, 1996) where one might experience a disruption in the ordinary temporal-spatial plane we inhabit.  These thin places may provide an entry point, a sort of portal to another realm, a realm of spirit.  Going to these places can release us from the everyday world and open us up to a new world of possibility.  Sometimes, thin places show up unexpectedly….

Sociable Solitude: exploring some alternative ways of being and moving with others

Gayle Letherby

bell hooks suggests that there are ‘not very many public discussions of love [beyond romantic/erotic love] in culture’ (2001: pxvii). Like her I am interested in more than romantic or erotic love; that is also non-sexual love between individuals and in ‘living by a love ethic’ (2001: p87), with love embedded in a commitment to social justice. In reflecting on the relevance of all of this to my own life I not only consider the significance of social, emotional and network (mobility) capital but also attempt to unpick (at least a little) the complex personal and political relationship between life chances and choices. My intention then, with the conference theme of murmuration in mind, is, though an autoethnographic lens, to outline and explore some alternative ways of being and moving with others. 

4 Pre Conference Online Workshops

take pace online on the Sunday before the conference. For information about these please use the menu at the top of the page or follow this link https://boomerang-project.org.uk/workshops-2/

For those who are making the journey to Bristol, we hope the beautiful spaces at the Engineers House supports different possibilities to share & reflect, to generate new conversations and friendships


VENUE: The Engineer’s House, Clifton Village, Bristol

Cost of the in person registration includes two course hot lunch and unlimited coffees/teas/fruit and biscuits each day.

Delegates can engage in as little or as much of the main programme as suits their interest and needs. There are numerous intimate spaces to share conversations, food or just to rest along with areas for larger groups and collegiate dining. 

Select this link to register https://boomerang-project.org.uk/registration/

Clifton is a very accessible area of Bristol, by car from junction 20 on the M5 it’s a short drive along the river Avon. From Tempe Meads and Parkway railway stations there are direct bus links as well as taxis, and a variety of bike routes that cross the city.

Clifton Village is an area of the city bursting with contemporary independent cafes, bars, restaurants, and boutiques as well as typical cosy English pubs.

The venue is also situated adjacent to Clifton Gorge and the Bristol Suspension Bridge. It backs onto the Bristol Downs park and a short stroll over the suspension bridge takes you into Ashton Park and Leigh Woods.


Please nominate someone for our awards. Each year the ICAE makes a number of awards –

“Lifetime Contribution”.

Previous holders of the award include Kim Etherington, Carolyn Ellis & Art Bocher, Alec Grant and Gayle Letherby.

Film award

Dissertation/thesis Award

Please consider nominating someone you feel has made not just a substantial contribution to our field, but has done so with a spirit of generosity, care and compassion.

If you would like to register for the conference or submit an abstract please use the main navigation tools at the top of the page.

For further information contact Tim Buescher at timbuescher1975@gmail.com

Looking for inspiration

If you have never attending our conference we invite you to gain a feeling for the diverse types of presentation, performances and contributions, via our YouTube conference page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWNYTUbli3wRLda7ZmbpqOQ/videos

How should I present my work at the ICAE conference?  

There is (fortunately) not an unequivocal answer to this.  We encourage you to present your work in a manner that communicates with the audience, in a form you feel comfortable with. We want this to be an inspiring experience for you and the audience. The ICAE is not an “ordinary research conference” where the aim is to present research findings in a scientific IMRAD structure. Thus, power point presentations with bullet points might not be the best way to share your work. We encourage you to find other ways of presenting –  for example reading, performing, photo or film. Feel free – just remember to stick to the time frame