Doctoral Supervision and External Examiners:
Following requests by delegates at the 2018 Autoethnography Conference for a resource to be created to enable students to find or connect with experienced practitioners of autoethnography, and particularly for doctoral students to find academics with experience of examining PhD autoethnographies and supervision, below you will find a list of academics who currently supervise and/or have examined doctoral research. (this list is currently being edited). We would be happy to add names to this list, the list is not in any hierarchal order and is not achievement based. These academics simply offered their expertise.
Clive Palmer
I am an experienced examiner and doctoral supervisor and I particularly enjoy the storied analysis of experience, and any creative means of communicating socio-cultural research, be that through autoethnography, arts-based research, philosophy, or other interpretive methodology.
Alec Grant, University of Brighton
Ken Gale, University of Plymouth
Jonathan Wyatt, University of Edinburgh
David Carless, University of the West of Scotland
Kitrina Douglas, University of West London
Helen Spandler, University of Central Lancashire,
I am an experienced PhD supervisor & examiner in the field of critical mental health & disability studies. I’m currently supervising 3 PhDs that use autoethnography, critical autobiography & creative writing.
Fiona Muray, University of Edinburgh
Gayle Letherby I am Visiting Professor of Sociology at the University of Plymouth and Visiting Professor at the University of Greenwich. Alongside substantive interests in the meanings and experiences of love, reproductive and non/parental identities; gender, health and wellbeing; loss and bereavement; travel and transport mobility and gender and identity within institutions I have always been fascinated by research methodology, including auto/biographical, feminist and creative practices. In recent years I have become interested in writing sociologically for non-academic audiences and creative writing within academic work. For some examples of different sorts of writing see
Alec Grant
Alec Grant
Born in Scotland in 1952, my major troubling lived experience since then is of being narratively entrapped by a range of oppressive powerful cultures, forces, people, institutions, and organisations. I’ve written about this in my single- and co-authored autoethnographic and related writing over nearly 30 years, doing this work to try to untrap myself and others. In my spare time (ha ha), I’m a painter, a fiddle player, nice and nasty in equal measure, and a good friend to many. In terms of my embodied scholarly work, I seem to be ripening just as I’m starting to rot. Ah well!